Ten Manga Reads You Can’t Miss
Looking for some good manga to read? Then this is the place for you. This list has all sorts of genres, there’s something for everyone!

While being called a “weeb” may not be the most endearing term, but us manga lovers stick together and don’t let haters ruin our beloved hobby. But let’s be honest, the descriptions that are given for the mangas aren’t always a good description for the book, there’s many mangas on this list that, from reading the synopsis I didn’t think I’d be interested, but all it takes is giving a book a chance. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover your favorite series. And if you’re worried about the outrageous cost of manga, look no further than to the amazing site of Thriftbooks! It’s my favorite place to buy used books, and they have lots of manga. I can’t guarantee that all of these books and all of the volumes will be available, but if you can at least get some of them there, it’ll save you a lot of cash. And now, let’s get into it.
1. The Ancient Magnus’ Bride by Kore Yamazaki
This is a manga that I’d been wanting to read for a long time, and when I finally got the chance, it didn’t disappoint. I’m not sure how to describe this manga, other than it’s an amazing magical story with characters that have a believable, developing connection. Some mangas take relationships too fast, but this one, from what I’ve read, moves at a good pace, and the relationship isn’t the main storyline, either, which makes it more of a fantasy read with a hint of love.
2. Beauty Pop by Kiyoko Arai
Beauty pop was one of those mangas that I didn’t think that I’d like, but after the first book, I was hooked. It’s a ten book series revolving around love, drama, and the world of beauty. The characters are teen beauticians, but the real gem of the series is the different relationships between the characters. The main pair, Kiri and Narumi, have a love-hate relationship throughout the book, and it’s just overall a funny and enjoyable series.
3. Orange by Ichigo Takano
Looking for something a bit more sci-fi with drama and emotion? Than Orange would be a good fit. It’s not the longest series, but it gets the job done. It invokes lots of emotions throughout the drama, and makes your brain hurt a little with its concept of time-travel and wormholes. The characters get letters from their future selves to try and prevent some horrific events from happening, but it’ll prove to be much more difficult than they thought. If you’re looking for a quick but good read, this is a perfect fit.
4. Absolute Boyfriend by Yuu Watase
This is another one that I thought was going to be stupid. An artificial boyfriend that is sent to a girl’s doorstep? It didn’t sound like anything I’d want to read, but after forgetting about it for a few years when I saw it as an ad in the back of a different manga, I found it while working one of my shifts at the library and thought, I’ve got absolutely nothing to read and it’s only 6 books, I might as well give it a try. It ended up being one of the best mangas I’ve ever read. The plot thickens into so much more than just an artificial boyfriend saving the day. The “doll” actually learns from the girl, and develops more emotions and free will than it was created to. It’s funny too, and an all around good read, you might even have a little cry by the end.
5. Nightmare Inspector by Shin Mashiba
This book is weird as hell, but has a kick-ass concept. A guy that can go into dreams and nightmares and change the outcome. He spends these novels going through the confusing and disturbing dreams of all sorts of entities, not just humans, in order to help them sleep. While doing this, his own confusing backstory slowly unfolds as you’re introduced to more characters with the plot. It’s a bit grotesque in nature, but not as bad as other mangas out there, and the main character has that odd personality that you can’t help but fall in love with. If you’re looking for something a bit darker, this one is for you.
6. Fruits Basket by Natsuki Takaya
I would be crazy not to include this shoujo classic. Fruits basket is all about Tohru, a girl who has been through hell but manages to stay bubbly and resilient, and the curse of the zodiac and all the people she meets within it. This manga has drama, love, humor, and dark moments, as well. Each character has their balance of good personality and negative backstory, but are all still unique to their own and will make their own individual impressions on you as the long manga series progresses and the rest of the Sohma secrets unfold. It’s on the longer side, 23 volumes, but completely worth it and has an ongoing anime (that may be mentioned in a future blog) that is an absolute joy and addiction to watch.
7. Vampire Knight by Matsuri Hino
Vampire Knight was my first novel, and it’s by far one of the best series I’ve read. Vampire related things always get a bad wrap, but this isn’t like every typical vampire romance you may have seen. Hino adds new layers to it, including rogue “Level E” vampires who have no self control, different social classes of vampires with magical abilities, and a school class of vampires who are trying to sustain cravings with blood substitutes so that one day, vampires and humans may be able to coexist. That already was enough to pull me in, but then there’s the layers of plot with Yuki, Zero, and Kaname, the three main characters. There’s different levels of drama and romance in this ongoing love triangle, but not in a way that’s cliche or unrealistic. It’s another long series with 19 mangas, but again, worth every second.
8. Voice Over: Seiyu academy by Maki Minami
The cool thing about this manga is that it’s very unique. It’s not every day you see a book or manga that’s about voice acting, but that’s exactly what this manga is. Hime Kino, our main heroine, has dreams to become a voice actor but is destined with a rough, gravelly voice that makes her an instant outcast. But as the manga progresses she discovers she has a real talent for creating sexy, mail voices, and thus her career kicks off under the name “Shiro” as she struggles to hide her true identity and make a name for herself in the voice acting business. On top of that, she attends a prestigious school of snobs, including Senri Kudou, her arch nemesis who is really just a tsundere falling for a girl he doesn’t want anything to do with. This is another manga with a perfect blend of comedy and drama.
9. Oto Men by Aya Kanno
This book brings feminine men into an entirely different light, as well as masculine women. It’s funny, heartwarming, and drama all into one, but what you’ll love most about this manga is the main character Asuka, who loves everything girly. He’s such an awkward teddy bear that you’ll have no choice but to fall in love with him and root for him as he pursues his crush Ryo, who is his complete opposite; a girl who is very boy-like. Asuka meets other characters like him, boys who have to hide their hobbies due to their girly association. It’s just an all around good read you don’t want to miss.
10. Kiss of the Rose Princess
This is a book I knew about for a long time, but never had the chance to read because I couldn’t find use copies, and wasn’t willing to pay ten dollars a book to read them. But when I finally did, I was in no way disappointed. I loved the characters, the concept, and the golden balance of magic, love, and drama that this manga had. I can’t even explain how great this manga is, it’s one of those titles you’ll just have to read to find out how amazing it is.